Evan's Bali Cherry (Bundle of 3): Fall Shipping
Evan's Bali Cherry (Bundle of 3): Fall Shipping
Perhaps the most cold hardy of all tart cherries, Evan’s Bali is a prolific bearer of decently sized (roughly 1” diameter) cherries that are sweeter than most of the other tart cherry varieties. Hardy to zone 2 because of their ability to withstand -42F temps near Bozeman, although surely these have survived colder temps on the Canadian prairie’s where the tree was discovered. These Evan’s Bali’s are clonally propagated and are therefore identical to the parent. Noted for their ability to withstand long, advective frost events including polar high pressure systems that affect the region for days on end, their flower buds’ hardiness, the prolific bearing nature of the tree, and their flavor.
These are small and will be 6-8” when shipped out in the Fall. Price includes shipping. Shipping surcharge refunded if picked up.