Stella Cherry

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Stella Cherry

from $29.99

One of the most popular and prolific varieties, Stella features showy white flowers in spring and exquisite, dark red, sweet fruit in summer. Was the first sweet cherry grown in Missoula that Luke tried during the summer of 2016. Large, heart shaped cherries that grow well in zone 5 Missoula (we’re zone 4a from an extreme winter low standpoint as we can see between -25F to -30F). Still try and trap ground heat around the tree if you are in zone 4. This will especially help if you see below 0 before Dec. 1st. In conclusion, Stella speaks for itself in terms of flavor and never ceases to let our taste buds down.

Stella was the first self-fertile cherry bred and could act as a pollenizer for any of our other sweet cherries.

These trees are grafted onto full size mazzard and are currently 5-7 ft. tall.

Image courtesy of David Wright under CC 2.0

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