Rainier Cherry

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Rainier Cherry

from $19.99

Rainier cherry, a cross between Bing and Van, has a reputation that speaks for itself. Arguably the most famous yellow(ish) cherry, Rainier is known for its rich, zesty flavor. Producing a large, firm cherry, Washington growers love the cherry but hate to grow it due to its proneness to cracking from the rain. Fortunately for most of Montana, our dry climates make growing this cherry far easier, unless you are in the colder parts of Montana. Bob Purvis believes Rainier to be a zone 4, which we believe to be the case as well, considering it has survived and done well in zone 4 Missoula. Rainier must be paired with Lapins, Van, or just about any of our other sweet cherries for pollination.

These Rainier trees are currently bare root, 5-7 ft. tall, and grafted onto semi-standard Krymsk 5. We find that harder to set varieties such as Rainier do much better on Krymsk 5 than say Mazzard or some of the other Montana mainstay rootstocks.

Image courtesy of Stephen’s Farm

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