Tipson Plumcot
Tipson Plumcot
This Plumcot was discovered as a natural cross on the property of our friend and fellow fruit growers, Doug Hawes-Davis, and then selected by Luke. Doug has one of the best food forests we have seen and has experimented growing everything from apricots, peaches, and nectarines, to pawpaw, persimmon, and more, with lots of success! Given that he plants lots of natives amongst his fruit trees, pollination is high, which also likely contributed to the success of this cross.
These plumcots will amaze you with their flavor. They’re sweet with a bit a tang. The color of the skin is a direct cross between orange (from the apricot) and purple (from the plum). The skin has retained some of the slight fuzziness characteristic from the apricot. The best plumcots we have tried. May have Manchurian apricot in its ancestry because they withstood -29F on 1/12/24 at our friend David Stickler’s in Frenchtown, Montana. They did have some minor tip dieback on the smallest diamater new woody growth from this, so we suspect they may not survive -35f or -40f temps. But we don’t know yet! Still studying and learning about these, so those who purchase will be part of an ongoing research effort to learn more about Tipson.
These are grafted onto Krymsk 86, the peach-plum hybrid rootstock from Russia. We have them in two separate sizes, 2.5-3.5 ft. and 3.5-5 ft.
Photo Credit: Doug Hawes-Davis