Summercrisp Pear
Summercrisp Pear
These have done very well at Rod McIver’s orchard off Rose Crossing in Kalispell, MT, which saw -35F on 1/12/24. Summercrisp suffered no damage at these temps and has survived even colder temps. Tree is upright to spreading, fairly precocious, and very well spurred. It’s considered an excellent pollenizer for early-ripening pears and has a good resistance to fireblight. Fruits medium sized, best eaten when crisp. Hardy well into Zone 2, down to at least -45F. Alaska growers in Fairbanks have not reported success with these. They are hardy but again, not -45F or more. Go with some of the Russian pears, which unfortunately we won’t have until Spring 2027 and grafted onto Ussurian pear.
These trees are in different sizes and are grafted onto OHxF87, which is also hardy to roughly -45F.
Image courtesy of University of Minnesota