Siberian Peach Seedlings (Bundle of 2)
Siberian Peach Seedlings (Bundle of 2)
With genetics that are originally from the harsh Gobi desert region of Mongolia and China, these are hands down the most hardy peaches that we know of. The only peach that even has a chance of surviving in zone 3. Hardy to at least -35F according to Miekal from Driftless Sacred Grove, who has been breeding these the last 30 years. They saw -35F on two separate occasions during 2012 and 2018 in Wisconsin and the trees showed no signs of winter damage. Their flowers buds were, however, damaged at those temps. The trees were undamaged after 55 consecutive days below 0 in Wisconsin during 2012.
We started growing these several years back and when we attempted our Antifreeze Selection methods on Siberian C (deliberately freezing and thawing the seeds many times at the seed and 1st year potted stage), none of them died, which was a testament to their hardiness. These are grown from 4th generation selection of Siberian C by Miekal of Driftless Sacred Grove out of La Farge, Wisconsin of 3rd-4th generation Mother trees from Siberian C. Miekal obtained these from Bear Creek Nursery in 1992 and has been selecting for larger size, less mealiness, and juiciness/flavor. Freestone. Hardy to zone 3.
These seedlings come in two sizes, 1.5-2.5 ft., 2-3 ft., and then 3-5 ft.