Coralstar Peach


Coralstar Peach

from $59.99

During the early Fall frost of 2020 in which our nursery in Missoula saw -10 on October 26th, all of our peaches, from Reliance to -PF-24C were wiped out. We weren’t growing Contender, Veteran, or Siberian C. We lost hundreds of peaches as they were outside with their roots protected but not their tops. The ice crystalline structure of those floating death trap frost molecules penetrated the thin bark and popped the cell membranes. Coralstar was one of the few peaches that survived. It’s hard to say whether it was in a better spot or not. It was shorter, too, which should have had the opposite effect, but it survived. This is one that we haven’t grown much but we’re giving it second thoughts after that experience. Another one of Tom McCamant’s favorite peaches. Hardy to zone 5 and possibly zone 4 if it is not a low lying spot where frost can settle nor an exposed site where it can be decimated by the cold winter wind. Freestone. Hardy to zone 4.

Trees are 5-7 ft. tall and grafted onto Lovell semi-dwarf rootstock.

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