Peach Leaf Willow (Bundle of 3)
Peach Leaf Willow (Bundle of 3)
One of our native willows in Montana, peach leaf willow is the tallest willow species in Montana and its arborescent growth form matches that of poplars and cottonwoods. Willows are considered a keystone plant in many ecosystems because they serve as host plants for hundreds of Lepidoptera species, which provide the foundation of the entire food web. The flowers appear in early spring, attracting butterflies, bees, and other pollinators, providing critical early nutrition. They also serve as natural water purification factories and can clean contaminated water in ways with which geoengineers still can’t compete. Hardy to zone 1.
Trees are 2-3 ft. tall.
Images courtesy of mage courtesy of Matt Lavin and Andrey Zharkikh