Cavendish (Bundle of 25)
Cavendish (Bundle of 25)
Cavendish has performed very well and overwintered very well in Montana. One of the hardiest of strawberries, this strawberry has done well in Cut Bank—one of the coldest, windiest, and driest places in the Montana and where our family homesteaded (spending the first year in a sod house!). It is still a good idea to mulch over the strawberries in the Fall, but expect these to do well in areas where other strawberries have difficulty overwintering. The berries are medium to large size and have a great sweet/tart (more subacid) fruity flavor. Solid zone 3.
These are great mid-summer strawberries. If you have the space, plant with Honeoyo for pollination. Not absolutely required to get a yield but planting strawberries in pairs has been shown to increase production.