Red Baron Apple
Red Baron Apple
A cross of Golden Delicious and @8701 carried out in 1926 at the University of Minnesota's Horticulture Research Center in Excelsior, Minnesota (U.S.A.). It was selected as Minnesota 1500 in 1940 by Professor W. H. Alderman. Released in 1970.
An all-purpose apple, these have done very well in the Bitterroot, surviving -38F without winter injury. Red Baron does not resist browning when cut into but it is highly resistant to apple scab and moderately resistant to fire blight, rust, and mildew.
Eaten out of hand, it is a juicy, crisp apple that holds its shape when baked and makes a great pie. Storage life is not great but not bad, at 4-5 weeks.
Hardy to -40F, these trees are grafted onto the equally hardy semi-dwarf M26.