Macoun Apple
Macoun Apple
If you are a McIntosh fan, you’ll also love Macoun. One of Mac’s many heirs, Macoun is a great, late-season fresh eating apple that comes on right around the same time as Mac (or end of September in Missoula). Or, throw this in pies as Macoun doesn’t break down in the oven. Macoun is one of the best McIntosh derivates and has a better crunch than Mac does. Juicier than Mac and the flavor lingers. One of Luke’s and Rod McIver’s favorites. One issue, though, is that Macoun is not that hardy for most of Montana. It will really only work in Kalispell, Libby, Missoula, Hamilton, Plains, and most areas in Western Montana in between, as these parts of Montana don’t see below -40F, which similar McIntosh (and most Mac derivatives), is the lower limit of cold for Macoun. Will probably work in Billings proper or warmer microclimates near your house if you dip slightly below -40F.
Macouns available are 5-7 ft. tall bare root trees that are grafted onto M7 dwarf rootstock.
Image courtesy of Shorelander and under CC 2.5.