Dearborn's Unknown Apple
Dearborn's Unknown Apple
Listed as a possible cross between Rescue x Chinese Golden Early x Summer Red, Dearborn’s Unknown was grown extensively in Alaska in the 80’s. Bob Purvis gave Ed Schultz wood over 30 years ago of Dearborn’s Unknown. Fast forward 30 years and Bob couldn’t find anyone with a Dearborn’s Unknown tree. Knowing that Ed replanted his old orchard, Bob less than optimistically asked Ed if he knew anyone who had Dearborn’s Unknown growing and much to Bob’s surprise, that was one of the few trees that Ed replanted. So Ed returned the favor, gave Bob wood, and now this great cold hardy tree has been effectively saved.
We have not tasted the apple crab but if it is anything like Rescue, it surely has a nice, spicy flavor. Dearborn’s Unknown suffered no winter injury during Ed Schultz’ -47F freeze. Hardy to -50F or more.
Our Dearborn’s Unknown are grafted onto the ultra cold hardy full size Dolgo rootstock that is hardy to -60F.
Photo is what we took of a Rescue and not a Dearborn’s Unknown as we couldn’t find a photo of it. It looks somewhat like a Rescue but is slightly bigger and redder.